Information on the project
Here you can find more information about Elterntalk Niedersachsen.
Elterntalk Niedersachsen aims to strengthen mothers and fathers in their media competence and parenting responsibility.
For this, 5 to 7 mothers and fathers meet for a "talk" to discuss media or educational topics.
Facilitators who are trained in dialogue lead the parent talks.
With the help of picture cards, they encourage the parents to address their own educational issues, such as the use of mobile phones or questions about the healthy upbringing of their children, and to exchange ideas with each other.
An appreciative attitude towards mothers and fathers and their everyday parenting is an important aspect.
Target audience:
Elterntalk is aimed at parents of children up to fourteen years of age and would like to address people with different cultural backgrounds in particular.
By arrangement, the talks can also be held in the respective language of origin.
Parents are invited by other parents to an event lasting about two hours in a familiar setting – this can be the family living room or a well-known institution.
A meeting consists of a topic-oriented and a social part.
Through the exchange of experiences, mothers and fathers learn about different attitudes to parenting issues. They are seen as experts in their everyday parenting.
This appreciative attitude towards parents and their everyday knowledge is fundamental.
This strengthens the participants and promotes networking and solidarity among them.
At a Parents' Talk, further Talks on other topics are advertised, to which new acquaintances or friends can be invited. Digital Talks are also offered.
The key role lies with the facilitators.
They are mothers or fathers themselves and preferably bilingual.
They look for parents in their private environment who are willing to offer a parents' talk at home or in a familiar institution and invite interested mothers and fathers.
Parents' Talks can also be held in the respective language of origin by arrangement.
A host invites five to seven parents to their home. A moderator introduces the topic and accompanies the subsequent discussion.
The open exchange of experiences encourages the mothers and fathers to address current parenting issues in the family and to find everyday solutions.
In the approximately two-hour parent talks, there is time and space to exchange ideas, learn from other parents or simply listen. Hosts provide a suitable venue and receive a thank-you gift.
Participation for parents is free of charge.
The location partners
The project is located in the districts or independent cities with so-called location partners, so that the best possible and broadest possible networking of parental work is guaranteed.
At the state level, but especially at the local level, cooperation with social facilities, services and institutions is of central importance.
Regional representatives
The regional representatives are pedagogical experts who have a good knowledge of the structures of the social area and the local institutions.
Their tasks are to recruit, train and accompany facilitators. In addition, they organise public relations and networking work in cooperation with the local partner.

Brochure "Parents visiting parents"
You can download our current brochure "Eltern zu Gast bei Eltern", low-threshold parenting work on media and parenting topics, as a PDF here.